Letter: Are Fairfax County Workers Shortchanged in Proposed Budget?

On Feb. 20, 2024, Fairfax County released a draft budget that falls short of stopping continued employee attrition, keeping staffing adequate to meet the needs of the citizens, and fails to help those who work here have a chance to live here. 

County workers have been falling behind for years. Other jurisdictions are providing competitive salaries and hiring experienced and talented Fairfax workers while our County struggles to keep pace. 

The County needs to do better, and not just in terms of compensation. We must make sure our most vulnerable citizens are supported. We need to back our folks In Juvenile Courts, our workers in School Age Childcare (SACC) and those doing the difficult work of Child and Adult Protective Services. Our trades workers, those driving trucks, cranes and picking up our refuse, are increasingly contracted out because not enough county workers can be hired or retained. We’ve got to do better. 

Dave Lyons 

Executive Director

Fairfax Workers Coalition