Two Artists Exhibit Works at The Art Gallery of Potomac

This month The Art Gallery of Potomac will present a show entitled "Through Our Eyes" which will highlight paintings by two artists inspired by their travels to Ireland and Italy.

Artist Elaine Hurst has always been fascinated by Ireland and wanted to travel there and experience the culture. She found a group of plein air painters on the internet and was invited to attend a festival in Wexford.

The paintings in this exhibit were inspired by her trip and painted outside at the festival and on the Aran Islands. She describes her art as "representational painting with a part of it abstract. I enjoy seeing how the light hits things and how it reflects colors. The closer you look at something the more colors you see. I hope my work connects someone to a place and time. When you paint from the soul that can't help but come through and touch someone."

In addition to painting landscapes, Hurst also paints equines and canines. For the artist demonstration later in the month she will be painting a horse. "When I was younger I used to shop here when it was The Surrey and go upstairs and smell all the saddles. Having my work hang in this space is synchronicity and like coming home."

Dot Procter never considered herself an artist even though her mother and grandmother were artists. It was not until after they died that she quit everything and became an artist full time.

"I am an emotional painter and consider it such a privilege. I never know what is going to touch people. I feel that the paintings don't belong to me, but I am just a caretaker."

She often paints the C&O canal and feels "it is so beautiful and quiet. It is different every time I go. You see so many socio-economic classes and hear all different languages being spoken. The canal is a grand equalizer." Procter traveled to Florence, Italy, thinking she would come back and paint all the landscapes she photographed on her trip. Instead she "fell in love with the inside spaces. There is such a mysticism and holiness with the ancient and sacred places. I love Italian oranges and yellows. It is the most sensuous and delicious place."

The Art Gallery of Potomac is located at 10107 River Road in Potomac. Phone: 240-447-9417. Gallery hours are Wednesday through Sunday noon until 4 p.m. The show will run April 4 through April 29. An opening reception will be April 14, 4-7 p.m. A paint-out will be held April 14 (rain date April 15) at Anglers Boat Landing from 9-12 p.m. Children are welcome. Bring painting supplies and a bag lunch. Go to for details. There will also be an artists' demonstration April 28 from 1-4 p.m. For more information, go to