‘Legally Blonde’ Takes Stage at Churchill

“It’s really about being true to yourself.”

Femme fatale Elle Woods and her pocket dog Brutus will soon be sashaying into Churchill High School to entertain and delight.

“Legally Blonde, The Musical” — the award winning Broadway musical comedy — will highlight the talents of a cast and crew of more than 100 students, Director Carlos Barillo and Technical Director Scott Selman. The musical tells the story of Elle Woods, a sorority girl who enrolls at Harvard Law School to win back her ex-boyfriend Warner. The comedy, filled with energetic music and dancing will be presented at 7:30 p.m. on the evenings of April 20, 21, 27 and 28.

“I really like the message of the show about the hidden potentials that lie within all of us,” said Barillo. “Never judge a book by its cover.”

Senior Genny Austin, who plays the lead part of Elle Woods concurs. “There’s so much positive energy in the show. Those who come to see it will feel like it’s a breath of fresh air. It’s really about being true to yourself.”

The story begins as blonde bombshell Elle Woods celebrates her engagement to Harvard student Warner Huntington III with her Delta Nu sorority sisters. Soon after, Warner breaks up with Elle because he needs someone more “serious.” Elle sets her sights on Harvard Law School where no Delta Nu has ever gone before. Her admission — with all its humorous trials and tribulations — is highlighted in the plot. Even though she is definitely not studious, nerdy or a typical Harvard student, she is determined to prove herself to Warner and everyone else who pegged her as merely a dumb empty-headed female. She is admitted into Harvard Law School — and the plot thickens.

The student performers range from freshmen to seniors. Junior Erik Rigaux who plays Professor Callahan is enjoying performing in the play. “It’s a funny show — there are parts that are just hilarious.”

Senior Tiffany Bamdad plays one of the Delta Nus. “I have learned how important it is to have a support system, particularly when you go away to college. It’s important to be there for other people. The play also shows that anyone can do anything they put their mind to it.”

Neil Suttora (Elle’s dad) said he never knew that “Legally Blonde” would be so much fun — and have so much heart. “The play really accentuates that stereotypes are not usually right — that everyone is an individual.”

Barillo said, “This play lines up perfectly with Churchill’s character program, its anti-bullying position and the need to accept different types of people in our lives. It has a great message about supporting one another and the importance of meaningful relationships.”

The students and crew are putting in long hours to be ready for the performance. Unfortunately, a fire in the auditorium has set back the building of the set and rehearsals on the stage. However, cast, crew and director say they will be ready when the curtain rises.

Purchase tickets for this musical comedy at www.showtis4u.com or in the lobby box office outside Bish Auditorium, 11300 Gainsborough Road, Potomac. The box office will be open one hour before each performance and Monday through Friday from 10:50 – 11:50 a.m.