Enhanced Security Around Schools

FCPS releases message about Connecticut tragedy.

On Sunday, Dec. 16, Superintendent Jack Dale sent an email message to all FCPS families and employees.

He said the Fairfax County Police Department will be increasing patrols and visibility this week around all FCPS schools, including elementary schools, in response to Friday's tragedy in Connecticut.

"This is not in response to any specific threat but rather a police initiative to enhance safety and security around the schools and to help alleviate the understandably high levels of anxiety," Dale said.

Police patrols will be increased throughout the school day from the opening of schools to dismissal. FCPS security personnel will also be patrolling our schools, focusing on elementary schools during the school day.

Counselors and mental health support for staff and students will be available at all schools beginning tomorrow. Students and staff are advised to let a teacher, counselor, or principal know if they need assistance. In addition, resources for support are available at www.fcps.edu.

"There is nothing more important to us than providing a safe and secure learning environment for our students and employees. I want to assure you that we will continue to be vigilant in our efforts to protect them," Dale said. "Thanks to the Fairfax County Police Department and FCPS security personnel for their efforts. Our thoughts remain with the children and families in Newtown."