Wednesday, December 19, 2012
To the Editor:
As our new voice in Congress, Rep.-elect John Delaney is finding his way around the halls of the Capitol and determining what course his Congressional career will take. I hope he will choose as his signature issue to be a leader on gun control.
Sensible gun laws might not stop every madman, but our families will be safer if we reinstate the assault-weapons ban that Congress and the Bush Administration allowed to expire in 2004. That’s just a common-sense first step.
My daughter, like all county schoolchildren, has participated in school “lock-down” drills since kindergarten, just as her grandparents practiced how to shelter from a nuclear bomb. Rep.-elect Delaney should do everything in his power to ensure that our kids are the last generation to practice how to respond to a mass shooting. Fear not an NRA backlash; if he leads the way, Montgomery County parents will have
his back.
Allen Mattison