Wednesday, December 19, 2012
To the Editor:
The following open letter was addressed to Recreation Director Gabriel Albornoz.
I am writing in regard to the proposed rink that would be located at the Potomac Community Center. It is very important to maintain a focus on the needs of the handicapped. All children should be blessed with a life experience that includes safe participation in physical sports and the team opportunity for camaraderie and self-worth .
Senior citizens in the area, who may be coping with macular degeneration or may be recovering from the effects of a stroke, would also benefit in having an outdoor area in which they could walk safely and exercise to improve and maintain their health. With proximity to NIH, this may also be a destination for our wounded military personnel who need a place to practice the physical rehabilitation exercises so necessary for recovery.
I implore you to move forward with this project what will benefit some of our most deserving citizens.
Penny Heltzer