January Flowers Bring Winter Smiles

Potomac Village Garden Club provides flowers and friendship for seniors.

The Village at Rockville is a little more floral thanks to a delegation from the Potomac Village Garden Club.

The club provided chrysanthemums and carnations for floral arrangements on Jan. 24, which were supplemented by greens from members’ personal gardens.

“Flowers give a sense of vitality, they are a symbol of life, happiness and love.”

Jason Gottschalk, director of life enrichment at the Village at Rockville.

“We wanted to do something for residents to brighten their rooms and brighten their day,” said Carol Jarvis, a member of the Potomac Village Garden Club who helped organize the event. “There aren’t so many groups that visit in January, so we wanted to provide fresh flowers between Christmas and Valentine’s Day.”

“It’s a marvelous experience to meet and interact, it’s amazing how much the residents have to share.”

Kathleen Brady, a member of the Potomac Village Garden Club.

“This is my first time being here, but I’ve been working with plants a long time,” said Ingrid McInnes, a resident of the Village at Rockville. “I enjoy being with the ladies.”

The opportunity to connect with others is at the core of the annual floral arranging event, which is now in its seventh year. For members of the Potomac Village Garden Club, the one-on-one interaction is a deeply satisfying experience.

“It’s a marvelous experience to meet and interact, it’s amazing how much the residents have to share,” said Kathleen Brady, a member of the garden club. “There’s a real friendship, and you learn so much from being around them. I once met a 101-year-old woman who was delightful, she knew how to arrange the flowers.”

The club precut the flowers to make the arrangements easier for residents. Arrangements typically last two weeks, which is good timing given the traditional bouquets associated with Valentine’s Day.

“It’s an event that gives residents a sense of cycle in January, its something they look forward to,” said Jason Gottschalk, director of life enrichment at the Village at Rockville. “Flowers give a sense of vitality, they are a symbol of life, happiness and love.”