Exhibiting ‘Art Without Borders’

JAMmARTt (Jews and Muslims Making ART Together) will celebrate the opening of its exhibition Art Without Borders: A Celebration of Humanity at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington, Goldman Art Gallery, with a reception on Sunday, Feb. 19 from 2 to 4 p.m. The exhibition will feature interfaith programming including, art projects, presentations, and panel discussions.

JAMmARTt, a group of local Jewish and Muslim artists, was founded in July 2008 with the shared goal of forging interaction, respect, and understanding between the two communities through the creation of a work of art.

The exhibition and related programs will run at the JCCGW, 6125 Montrose Road, Rockville, from Feb. 19 through March 18. The opening reception and exhibition are free and open to the public. Contact Phyllis Altman at 301-348-3770, paltman@jccgw.org. Web Site: http://www.jccgw.org/