Letter: Support Volunteer Firefighters

To the Editor:

After reading the article, "Old Tensions Delay Fire House Expansion," I pondered how quickly memories fade, for the article said nothing about the retribution heaped on volunteer firehouses for their opposition to the ambulance fee.

It was just one election cycle ago that Montgomery County residents were met at polling stations by fire trucks and union firefighters, who were actively encouraging voters to support the ambulance fee measure on the ballot. When the measure went down to defeat, local volunteer firehouses began to feel the real heat. County Executive Ike Leggett and his cronies have made it very clear that the volunteer houses (non-union) will be punished for their opposition to the ambulance fee.

The Cabin John Volunteer Fire Department has upheld its part of the bargain to renovate the Falls Road Station. But Ike Leggett has reneged on his part of the agreement. Surprise! Surprise! Is this the same Ike Leggett who champions anti-bullying/harassment policies? (Oh, maybe that's just for the school playground.)

This issue of retaliation needs to be addressed by every neighboring citizens association, which already are all too familiar with the County Executive's attitude toward Nick's Farm and the surrounding communities. So before our volunteer firefighters knock on our doors seeking financial support, let's call them and ask how we can help fight for their existence. They fight for us!

C. Trauernicht
