Learning Basketball Tricks

To help promote an April 26 event — "Don't let your sports injuries 'spin' out of control" with Dr. Richard Reff — former Harlem Globe Trotter Mike Wilson taught basketball tricks to children at Cabin John Mall on March 15. The community service event was sponsored by Shoe Train, a children's shoe store in the mall. At the forum next month, while Wilson entertains children and teaches them basketball tricks, Reff, an orthopedic surgeon in Kensington, will be discussing with parents how to avoid athletic injuries and the importance of well-fitted athletic equipment and protection. The April 26 forum will be held 5:30-7 p.m. at Shoe Train. Learning from Wilson, above, are (from left) Ava Fradlin-Ryan, Joshua Stein and Josie Stein.

Deborah Post Stevens

The Almanac