June 3 Triathlon Benefits Autism Speaks

Sign up now, only 100 participants will be registered.

— Ever wanted to compete in a triathlon, but were afraid to commit for fear of not being experienced enough? Now is the time to rev up one’s training because “Tri to Listen” — a June 3 triathlon is right around the corner — literally. The race will take place in Poolesville — a 20-minute drive from Potomac. The triathlon, “powered by Autism Speaks” is an opportunity for both novice and veteran tri-athletes to compete in a near-by event that offers a small field, a pool swim (versus a river, lake or bay swim), and beautiful scenery.

Potomac resident Susan Pereles is the event director for Autism Speaks for the National Capital area. She is hoping that many Potomac tri-athletes will participate in the race: “This Autism Speaks Super-sprint Triathlon is a great opportunity to support a very worthy cause while getting some decent exercise. For many people, linking three events together for the first time is a significant accomplishment. We’ve limited the field to 100 participants so we can really make it a special experience for all registrants.”

The race will include a 400-meter swim in the Western County Outdoor Pool, a 13.4 mile bike ride and a 5K run. The race begins at 7 a.m. at the pool at 20150 Fisher Ave. in Poolesville. The bikers and runners will run on scenic two-lane roads with minimal traffic.

Participants are asked to raise a minimum of $188 to compete (1 in 88 children is diagnosed with Autism – hence the $188).

“We are giving away wonderful SWAG including a custom bike jersey, an Autism Speaks running shirt and a running hat,” Pereles said.

According to the Autism Speaks website, autism is the fastest growing serious developmental disability in the U.S. Autism receives less than 5 percent of the research funding of many less prevalent childhood diseases. This explains the why raising funds for research must be a priority in the U.S. — and thus the reason for fundraisers such as this triathlon. Race sponsors of the event are Calleva, MoM's Market, Subway, Bob's Bikes and the Poolesville Triathlete Consortium. Calleva will assist with transporting participants from the finish line of the 5K run back to the transition area (pool).

To register for “Tri to Listen” view the website: www.autismspeakstri.org. Only the first 100 racers will be accepted. Volunteers are needed on the day of the race to help the athletes along the course and with the transitions. Donations to Autism Speaks are also encouraged.