Students Honored for Artistic Talent

Students at Potomac's St. Andrew's Episcopal School receive visual arts awards

— Local budding artists were honored for their talent recently when St. Andrew's Episcopal School handed out accolades to more than 50 middle and upper school students at the school's annual Visual Arts Awards assembly in Potomac, Md. The awards celebrate the quality of the art and design produced by student artists each year.

The Judges' Choice Awards were given in several categories, including middle school art, photography, computer graphics, 3-D art and design, ceramics, 2-D art and design and yearbook. The winning artists' work will be displayed in the school for one year.

“We know that the arts not only have value in their own right, but that involvement in the arts amplifies a student's ability to retrieve and integrate knowledge drawn from science, mathematics and the humanities.”

— Lauren Cook

“The public exhibition of artwork in the Kreeger Art Gallery, and the chance to have it assessed in a supportive environment based on standards of excellence in the world of art and design is a valuable and honored opportunity for St. Andrew's students,” said Lauren Cook, head of the school's Visual Arts Department.

St. Andrew's parents who are also active professionals in the fields of visual art, art education and communication judged the students' art. Each piece was evaluated on creativity, personal expression, risk-taking, composition and technical skill with materials.

Cook said the field of visual arts is an integral part of the curriculum at St. Andrew's: “Our students see the arts as a way of thinking and learning and expressing themselves across our curriculum,” she said. “They [learn] important creative problem-solving skills that will help them contribute to the growing 'creative economy' awaiting them. We know that the arts not only have value in their own right, but that involvement in the arts amplifies a student's ability to retrieve and integrate knowledge drawn from science, mathematics and the humanities.”

Cook added that instructors encourage students to develop their individual styles and strengths.

“Our Intermediate School students walk into my classroom ready to create,” said Gary Wyatt, a member of the Visual Arts faculty. “They haven't adopted the 'I don't do art' or 'I'm not a good artist' attitude. My job is to help every student feel successful as an artist, to feel safe experimenting with their art-making, and to help them apply their natural creativity to all sorts of studio challenges, from designing a bridge in their science class, to creating a public service poster with computer graphics, to painting a self-portrait.”

Some students see visual arts as means of self-expression. “For me, art is a way to show what I might not be able to as well through speaking or writing,” said Felipe De La Hoz, an 11th grade student who won awards in the photography and painting and drawing categories. “I may not be able to explain a concept those ways, but I can show it through my photographs or paintings.”

2012 Judges’ Choice Awardees

Middle School Art 2012 Judges’ Choice Awardees:

Tristen Chen, 2016

Sam Good, 2017

Rachel Greenberg & Sari Postal for work on a sculptural collaboration, 2017

John Henneman, 2016

Benjamin Hesse, 2016

Nicole Kittay, 2016

Will Lucas, 2017

Sari Postal, 2017

Bobby Radecki (2 awards), 2016

Elyse Sibarium & William Yeo for work on a sculptural collaboration, 2017

Jack Tsintolas, 2016

Aidan Wallace, 2016

Upper School 3-Dimensional & Ceramic Art 2012 Judges’ Choice Awardees:

Alex Armbruster, 2014

Rehan Butt (2 awards), 2012

Ella Farago, 2014

Kate Fuller, 2015

Elizabeth Holland, 2015

Ahmed Ibrahim-Hassan, 2012

Collin Smith (2 awards), 2014

Lars Sorenson, 2013

Yueqi Sun, 2015

Noa West, 2015

Upper School Computer Graphics 2012 Judges’ Choice Awardees:

River Albo, 2015

Tom Banks, 2015

Rehan Butt, 2012

Harry Vincent, 2014

Upper School Photography, 2012 Judges’ Choice Awardees:

Zoe Atchinson, 2012

Adam Barton, 2012

Rehan Butt, 2012

Grace Chupka, 2013

Felipe De La Hoz, 2013

Morgan Harris, 2012

Ian McLuckie, 2012

Billy Petito, 2013

Jacob Reiskin, 2013

Upper School 2-Dimensional Art 2012 Judges’ Choice Awardees:

Boni Agbaniyaka, 2012

CK Cheong, 2012

Rebekah Daniels, 2013

Emma Davey, 2013

Felipe De La Hoz, 2013

Christina Farley, 2012

Kate Fuller, 2015

Ben Greene, 2014

Alex Hastings, 2012

Randi Kontner, 2012

Memuna McShane, 2015

Abbey Michaels, 2013

Harrison Neally, 2013

Cannon Pappas, 2012

Jordan Reilly, 2015

Anne Mercer Shoenfeld, 2012

Flanders Shtasel-Kretz, 2015

Jacqueline Sisson, 2012

Alexa Tsintolas (3 awards), 2013

Daniel Wagner, 2014

Noa West, 2015