Montgomery County Council Holds Town Hall Meeting for Potomac Wednesday, Nov. 7

— The Montgomery County Council will continue its efforts to find out what issues most concern residents when it hosts a Town Hall Meeting for the Potomac area on Wednesday, Nov. 7. The meeting at the Potomac Community Recreation Center will start at 8 p.m. A pre-meeting reception will begin at 7:30 p.m.

The Potomac Community Recreation Center is located at 11315 Falls Road in Potomac.

The Council is composed of President Roger Berliner, Vice President Nancy Navarro, and Councilmembers Phil Andrews, Marc Elrich, Valerie Ervin, Nancy Floreen, George Leventhal, Craig Rice and Hans Riemer. Most town hall meetings hosted by the Council in recent years have drawn crowds of more than 200 residents.

It is expected that the major topics of the evening will include potential growth and development in the area, schools, budget issues, taxes, traffic and the performance of power utilities, including Pepco, following storms.

The meeting will allow residents to voice their opinions on specific issues and will allow them to ask questions of the Councilmembers in an organized, but informal, setting.

The meeting will be taped for later broadcast on County Cable Montgomery (CCM—cable Channel 6 on Comcast and RCN, Channel 30 on Verizon). Susan Kenedy, a producer for the County station, will moderate the meeting.

For more information about the Town Hall Meeting or about the broadcast times, call 240-777-7931.