Comment on Policy, “Disposition of Board of Education Property”

The Board of Education tentatively adopted Policy DNA, Disposition of Board of Education Property on Nov. 13. The Board of Education requests community comment on revisions to the policy.

Respond in writing by Jan. 9, 2013 to the Office of the Superintendent of Schools, 850 Hungerford Drive, Room 122, Rockville, Md. 20850 or by e-mail to the Board of Education at

Copies of the draft policy are available through the Public Information Office at 301-279-3391 or on the Board of Education website.


Maryland law governs the disposal of real property by local boards of education.

Subject to the approval of the state superintendent of schools, local boards of education shall transfer grounds, school sites, or buildings no longer needed for school purposes to the County Council.

The State Board of Public Works, by rule and regulation, can require that the proceeds from the sale, lease, or disposal of school buildings constructed primarily with state funds after Feb. l, 1971, be utilized solely as a part of the state funding of future school buildings within the subdivision in which the disposal occurred.

Board of Education property will be disposed of as follows:

Real Property -- Buildings and Grounds


In the event that any Board real property is considered to have no further use for school system purposes, the superintendent of schools shall make a recommendation to the Board for disposition. The recommendation will include the rationale for the proposal, an estimate of the market value of the property, and the identification of the amount and year of state appropriations for construction and/or improvements buildings on the site.

Easements and Rights-of-Way

The granting of easements and rights-of-way requested by other public agencies and utility firms in the public interest shall be by Board action upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools.

Other Than Real Property

  • The superintendent of schools will effect the trade-in of other than real property and equipment at the time bids are invited for replacement. The superintendent of schools is authorized to effect the direct sale of items which have no trade-in value nor significant use to the instructional or support programs.

  • Requested authorization for the disposition of obsolete school books by sale or transfer to such agencies as may have use for these books hereby approved, it being understood that any transfer to an agency would be at no cost to the Board.

Review and Reporting

The sale of any item exceeding $25,000 in proceeds will be reported to the Board as an item of information.

This policy will be reviewed in accordance with the Board of Education policy review process.