Letter from Avenel

This letter from Avenel Community Association's General Manager Lucy P. Wilson — addressed to Roger Berliner and copied to County Executive Isiah Leggett, the Avenel Board of Directors and Michael Sullivan, general manager of TPC Potomac at Avenel — is shared with The Almanac:

Mr. Urban and I would like to thank you for agreeing to meet with us last week to bring us up to date on discussions previously held regarding the potential for adding soccer fields on the WSSC property/equestrian center in Avenel. This letter serves to reiterate the concerns expressed during our meeting, as well as to address and acknowledge your letter dated Nov. 7, 2012 addressed to the County Executive and President of the Board of Education.

While we understand the desire of the county to identify areas suitable for soccer fields down county, I believe we conveyed the seriousness in which we view the prospect of adding soccer/recreational fields to the equestrian center, an amenity and centerpiece of our community. The equestrian use and trail system, a recorded covenant, was relied on by the Avenel residents when they purchased their properties and as such, a change or modification in the use could be viewed as detrimental to the community.

Additionally, the TPC has certain rights to portions of this property for parking, driving ranges and other needs. Any elimination or reduction of this use would not only impact the TPC and the agreements currently in place, but would also impact the community significantly during golf tournaments and events.

The developer of Avenel went to great lengths during the planning process of Avenel, as evidenced by the Master Agreement, to ensure the community would not be adversely impacted with traffic-clogged streets. Any changes or modifications to the current use of land that could negatively impact the community would be viewed unfavorably by the Association.

To that end, while you have conveyed that at this time there has not been any particular land identified within the WSSC property that may be considered as a “potential” option, we appreciate and rely on your commitment to keep us informed and directly involved should any such site ever be identified or up for discussion or consideration.

Avenel Park, an existing county park, is the area originally contemplated as recreational space during the development planning period and was conveyed to the county by the developer for such use. The park, situated centrally in the community, currently includes several fields, a tot-lot, tennis courts, basketball courts and open space. Easements also exist for parking during golf events. While there may be an opportunity to re-configure space within the county park to add one or two additional fields, should county planning staff determine that a reconfiguration of the existing park may successfully yield an additional field, Avenel would of course anticipate being actively engaged in such discussion early on in order to evaluate the impact to the community.

Retaining the vision of the developer and unique characteristics of Avenel, including the pastoral tranquil setting, is of upmost importance to the Board of Directors as it seeks to protect the interests of the residents of Avenel. From the developer's date of acquisition of Avenel Farm, to working through the Master Agreement, the design and development of Avenel took over eight years. The final product, which includes the homes, common areas, TPC Potomac at Avenel Farm, WSSC parcel, equestrian center and Avenel Park, clearly evidences that it was well worth the wait and was a winning proposition for all involved. Any deviations from the current use will certainly be a matter of the upmost importance to the Association.

The Association appreciates being kept abreast of any developments as they evolve in order that we many keep our residents informed, disseminate accurate and timely information, and provide assurance to the community that the Association is actively involved in working towards their benefit.

Lucy P. Wilson, General Manager

Avenel Community Association, Inc.