Muslim Foundation Demonstrates ‘Faith in Action’

Helping the poor.

— More than 1,400 residents of Montgomery County received a gift of meat made possible through the efforts and donations of the Montgomery County Muslim Foundation. The group held its annual Zabiha-Qurbani meat donation on Nov. 4. This gift was part of the “Solemn Festival” of Eid-ul-Adha — a Muslim religious holiday in which the Prophet Ibrahim’s humility and obedience to the Almighty is remembered.

In fulfilling the religious obligation of Prophet Ibrahim, Muslims sacrifice an animal and share portions of the meat with the less fortunate. This year, members’ donations totaled $7,680, which allowed them to purchase seven cows to feed their neighbors in Montgomery County.

Impact Silver Spring partnered with the Montgomery County Muslim Foundation to help distribute the meat to a long line of people. A group of volunteers, wearing “Faith In Action” t-shirts, came from Montgomery County Muslim Foundation, Global Communities, El Rosal Sewing Circle, Daniel Leadership Institute (from the Jesus House Congregation) and the Long Branch Athletic Association.

“This was a most humbling and satisfying experience for us to be able to donate more than 3,000 lbs of meat to deserving families,” said Tufail Ahmad, founder of the Montgomery County Muslim Foundation. “We were delighted to see the great turnout — seeing such a long line of people was a sight to see. We look forward to doing the same next year and hope to do even better.”

The delivery was a part of the on-going mission of the Montgomery County Muslim Foundation. Throughout the year, the group works with community partners to address hunger, provide senior assistance and help with community development projects in education, legal assistance and health care. At Thanksgiving, holiday dinners, toys and clothing are delivered to more than 200 needy Montgomery County families. This past year, the Montgomery County Muslim Foundation fed almost 1,000 people at the Community for Creative Non-Violence in Washington D.C. during Ramadan. They also prepared three meals a day and collected clothing for Sophia House in Rockville.

Guled Kasim, president of Montgomery County Muslim Foundation, said, “At MCMF we have many programs designed to provide those in need. We do a food drive for local food banks, feed the homeless and provide Thanksgiving and Christmas Meals. I must say this was one of the most overwhelming experiences I’ve had. We provided meat to 310 families with a total of 1,428 family members. We are thrilled at the opportunity assist our neighbors in need.”