Gallery To Host Finale Reception for Potomac Days

Potomac Theatre Company to perform songs from “My Fair Lady.”

— Potomac Day is Saturday, Oct. 20 — when the first sounds of the parade commence. Clowns, marching bands, civic organizations, churches and the Potomac Citizen, Youth and Business persons of the year will all be cheered as they ride through the River and Fall Crossroads. There will be a business fair, children’s activities, performances, a classic car show, a petting zoo — and it will all be mingled with food and camaraderie.

And this year, there’s even more to Potomac Days.

Familiar tunes, gorgeous flower arrangements and glorious art will comprise the finale for Potomac Days in an evening event. The Art Gallery of Potomac will host a reception to celebrate the end of this year’s Potomac Days and to announce the winner of the auction for Carol Dyer’s “Potomac Days at the Crossroads” original painting. The reception will be held from 5-7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 20 and is open to the public.

Performers from the Potomac Theatre Company will be singing songs from their fall musical, “My Fair Lady.” The group will be harmonizing the familiar lyrics by Lerner and Low — Broadway hits including “I’ve Grown Accustomed to her Face,” “With a Little Bit of Luck,” “On the Street Where You Live,” and “Get Me to the Church on Time.” The Potomac resident theater company will be performing the play at the Blair Family Center for the Arts at the Bullis School in Potomac on the weekends of Nov. 16 -18 and Nov. 23 – 25.

“The PTC is 24 years old this year,” said Tony Pisarra, president of the Potomac Theatre Company. “We have always performed in Potomac and are thrilled that Bullis has allowed us to use their fine center for our performances. Our community has so much talent. The play will feature outstanding local actors, dancers and singers.

“Twenty-four years ago, the first theater company presented ‘The Pirates of Penzance.’ We were a very low budget group then — the costumes were all made by volunteers. My mom, Elie Pisarra-Cain and other local Potomac citizens were extremely committed to making it all happen — and now it has continued on for 24 years.”

The gallery reception will also feature flower arrangements created to enhance this month’s featured artists, Terri Cunningham, Carol Dyer and Susan Gibbs. These creative arrangements will be designed by members of the Country Gardener’s Garden Club, Potomac’s oldest garden club. Each arrangement will be created in the style of the artwork on the walls. According to member Elie Pissara-Cain, “The group members are active gardeners who have donated their time and talents for years to keep Potomac beautiful. For a long time, we maintained the gardens in the median areas of the Crossroads and in front of Mitch and Bill’s and the other merchants. It has long been our labor of love as well as our service to the community.”

“We hope everyone from the Potomac community and near-by areas will attend the parade and the activities — and then return for the reception,” said Pissara-Cain. “Volunteers are needed to come before the parade to help with organization. This is an exciting year with many new additions. The performance stage, the booths, the children’s activities — and now the reception will top off the evening. The Art Gallery of Potomac features the art of extremely talented local artists — and we are proud that the entire community is coming together for this event. “

One highlight of the evening will be naming the winner of the auction for Dyer’s painting. Bidders have had the opportunity to bid on the painting since Sept. 4 — the only one she has painted of the historic crossroads as it appeared at the turn of the century. Prints will be available of this painting at the gallery.

Visit the Art Gallery of Potomac at 9945 Falls Road in Potomac (behind the Verizon Store and next to Big Wheel Bikes) for the Octo. 20 reception from 5 – 7 p.m. Also, save the date to attend Potomac Theatre Company’s” My Fair Lady” on the weekends on Nov. 16 – 18 and 25 – 27. Shows are Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are $18 and can be purchased by calling 301-299-8571.