The Glen Hills Study Phase 2 report proposes construction of 13 unneeded sewer lines at a cost to property owners of close to $6 million. After the county branded over a third of the community as not likely to be sustainable on septic, real estate agents are asking how they can market and sell property to potential Glen Hills homebuyers. The reports, yet to be made available to the general public, confirm:

  • Blatant disregard and misrepresentation of the Potomac Subregion Master Plan. The Master Plan limits the study to well-documented septic failures and limited extensions to relieve them.

  • Violation of the Piney Branch Special Protection Area.

  • Sham public participation – scope of the study decided behind closed doors, meaningless meetings designed to ensure lack of genuine participation, and failure to respond to public comments.

  • County confirms only nine properties (out of 542 properties in the study area) have failed septic systems. Of those nine, five already abut an existing sewer line, including one approved for hook up.

  • Relying on totally theoretical “planning level” data — that it admits is not conclusive and is not based on any actual conditions on any lots — the county declares that 223 properties (none of which have failed septics) are “likely not sustainable” on conventional septic systems.

  • Thirteen new lines are proposed costing $6 million, and not one of the lines will service the nine properties purported to have failed septic systems.

  • County defends its failures by saying the $350,000 appropriated for the study was not enough to collect any actual data regarding Glen Hills lots.Montgomery County Government continues to amaze — first the outrage that was “Brickyard” and now the Glen Hills Sewer Study. The Phase 1 and Phase 2 Study Reports confirm the county appears poised to jam sewers lines and their attendant costs and increased development down the throats of Glen Hills residents who are overwhelmingly opposed to and do not want or need public sewer.