Potomac Village Garden Club Celebrates 50 Years

Luncheon highlights awards and service to the community.

With a DVD running on two screens documenting the decades of service the Potomac Village Garden Club has given to its community through the talents and dedication of its members, present club members enjoyed the event in the home of Julie Perlman on April 9.

Twenty-five of its present members atended the luncheon, including Rosemarie Moulton who has been with the club for its entire 50 years. Also honored were the club members serving with the club for 49 and 48 years, Myra Wormald and Dianne Gregg. Perlman was presented with a tray for her work in bridging the club’s activities to the next generation of members.

Present also at the luncheon event was Robin Hammer who is the incoming president of the District IV Garden Clubs (representing Montgomery County) who outlined the special place that Potomac Village Garden Club members hold in the National Capital Area Garden Clubs. She presented both Moulton and the club with Certificates of Recognition. Certificates of Recognition also came from the National Capital Area Garden Club President Vickie Godwin.

The current president of the club, Barbara Potzick, announced special awards that were given at the last meeting of the National Capital Area Garden Clubs. The club was given the Certificate of Merit as outstanding garden club and was also awarded two honors that came with money to be put back into the club’s service projects. It received the Beatrice M. Coiner Award for Community Projects for the deer management project for Montgomery County and the Edith Bittinger Environmental Improvement Award for the selection list of deer resistant plants that had contributions from the entire club based on their experience from their individual gardens. Those cash awards will be put back into the club’s service projects including providing information to other garden clubs in the county on deer management with the expert advice of the Division of Natural Resources for the state and county.

Other on-going projects of the club are garden therapy with the National Lutheran Home, holiday decorating at Strathmore Hall, the landscaping and maintenance the Potomac Village Library Gardens coordinated with the Friends of the Library, and passing down its knowledge and legacy to Girl Scouts and Brownies.

For more information on this club, contact Linda Rieger at lindarieger@verizon.net or 301-365-7593.