Almanac Receives Press Awards

— The Potomac Almanac won multiple first place awards from the Maryland-Delaware-DC Press Association.

Susan Belford won first place for her story, “Wounded Warriors Train Service Dogs for Vets,” in the feature story category.

Excerpt: “Before Marine Sgt. Jon Gordon became involved in training service dogs for his fellow wounded warriors, he slept little more than 5 hours a week. He seldom spoke with anyone and rarely left his home except for treatment sessions. He had been kicked out of group therapy sessions time after time, and was unable to participate in his young daughter’s life. His post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI) and constant headaches had changed him from a confident young Marine to an angry introvert who wanted only to be left alone with his pain.”

Access the entire story here:

Ken Moore won first place in education writing for “Mock Tragedy or Sober Truth?”

“With dramatic photos and first-hand accounts from participants, this entry was above and beyond the entire field,” wrote the judge. “Here's hoping teens and their parents got the message about drinking and/or texting and driving. Well done.”

See the story and photos from Churchill at

John Byrd won first place for medical/science writing for his story, “A Family Home,” a story about remodeler Russ Glickman’s adaptation of his own home for his son who uses a wheelchair.

Excerpt: "As a builder and a father, though, Glickman began looking ahead at ways to reconfigure the house that would work better for everyone. This became a particular priority when, by 4, Michael was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and it was clear that he would need a wheelchair.”

The staff of the Potomac Almanac won second place for its 2012 Children’s Almanac. See the award-winning edition here:

Laurence Foong and Ken Moore won second place for informational graphics, Insiders Guide to Potomac Parks, published in last year’s Newcomers and Community Guide. See page 10-11 here: