Glen Hills Area Sewer Study Update

— The Phase I study report was taken down from the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection website in order for DEP to respond to citizen demands concerning the Report's designation of their lots as not being sustainable on septic systems. At the Dec. 17 meeting of the Study's Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC), the DEP representative stated that neither the revised Phase I Report nor the draft Phase II report containing information on the proposed sewer line extensions is being released to the public at this time. Nor could he confirm by what date they would be released. DEP still plans to hold a public meeting in January to obtain comments on the Reports, but no date has been set. He further stated that all residents in the Glen Hills study area would receive notice of the meeting by U.S. Mail. CAC members urged that the Notice be received and the Reports be released at least two weeks prior to the public meeting. The CAC also voted unanimously that DEP include cost estimates for each of the approximately 13 proposed new sewer line extensions so that each homeowner can determine the cost of the sewer service proposed for their property.