Serving Up ‘Summer Entertainment’

Art Gallery plans “Child Play” for all ages on July 27-28.

— This month The Art Gallery of Potomac will present a show titled "Summer Entertainment" from July 11 through Aug. 25.

One of the featured artists, Habib Hastaie, will display several paintings from his boat series as well as ceramics. Hastaie does not define the narrative in his work but hopes that the viewer will take away whatever they would like from the painting. If one looks closely even in his landscapes there are always small traces of signs of life by humans such as a road or a bridge. His work conveys the idea that “We are all connected.”

Another resident artist, Anne Martinez, found inspiration for her paintings in actor Vincent Price's cookbook. Her image of a beer and hot dog came from the cookbook. She usually paints faces and animals, so still life paintings are a new subject matter for her. She said, "Once I got going I really enjoyed doing a still life. The lights and darks become important to the subject and what you want to be the focus of the painting. This month's exhibit has wonderful images of summer entertainment and desserts."

Artist Jennifer Kahn Barlow started painting as a child however, her chosen career was in the field of economics which left little time for painting. After leaving her job, she began painting more seriously after the birth of her daughter, making time for art during naptime. "I took art classes and did a copy of artist Will Cotton's Flan Pond and had such a good time working on this painting. It inspired me to paint sweets and desserts. People savor and look forward to dessert. It takes so much time to make the sweet, then it is gone in seconds. My work is a way to immortalize them in a painting. My favorite sweet is French macaroons. I love the glazes and how the light bounces off them. Also, I get to eat the subjects after I photograph them for the painting. Desserts are a universal pleasure. Everyone enjoys looking at a sweet counter and seeing the desserts beautifully baked and arranged. When people look at my work I hope their stomach grumbles and their mouth waters. I hope they see something delicious and beautiful and more than just something to eat. I hope it triggers a memory."

Artist Ellen Baker describes her work as realistic art done in oils. For this show she will exhibit still life of food and familiar objects. She was in practice as a psychologist for 20 years and after retirement took drawing classes and progressed to painting. She hopes the viewer "will take away a feeling of peace that I feel when I look at my paintings. I hope to share that with them."

There will be an art reception Saturday, Aug. 10 from 5-8 p.m. and "Child's Play" an art demonstration for all ages on Saturday, July 27, and Sunday, July 28, beginning at 1 p.m.

The Art Gallery of Potomac is located at 9945 Falls Road in The Potomac Village Shopping Center next to Big Wheels Bikes behind Walgreens. Phone 240-447-9417. Gallery hours are Thursday through Sunday noon until 4 p.m. For more information go to or www.theartgalleryof