Muslim Foundation Honors Community Service Volunteers

Working to combat hunger.

More than 300 people celebrated the benevolent work of the Montgomery County Muslim Foundation at its annual community cookout at Black Hill Regional Park. The May 5 event honored the many volunteers whose energy and efforts made the MCMF’s 2013 Food Drive and other service projects a success. It also celebrated the collection and donation of almost 16,000 pounds of food to MANNA Food Center of Montgomery County.

Dr. Ashraf Sufi welcomed everyone to the picnic, delivered a report on the Food Drive and acknowledged MCMF’s food drive partners — Giant Food Corp and Manna Food Center. MCMF food collections were located at 10 local Giant Food Stores, the International Cultural Center, the Islamic Center of Maryland, Baitur Rehman Mosque and the Muslim Community Center.

County Executive Ike Leggett, County Councilmember George Leventhal, Nancy Floreen, Phil Andrews and state Del. Kirill Reznik, along with other community leaders acknowledged the importance of the work being done by MCMF and how it is making a difference in the county.

“MCMF is raising the awareness of how important it is to combat food shortage throughout the year,” said Minerva Delgado, executive director of Manna Food Center. “Thank you for all your work in collecting so much food. Many organizations give to us during the holidays, but you collect all year long — realizing that hunger doesn’t go away during the year.”

Sara Noor, president of MCMF, said, “The organizing committee would like to thank everyone that attended and helped MCMF Food Drive to make a difference in our community. The stars of the program are the young volunteers that made the food collection a success.” In dedicating their time and energy, each young volunteer was awarded a certificate of appreciation from MCMF for their efforts in helping families across Montgomery County.

Since the event was held the week before Mother’s Day, mothers and children were recognized with flowers, favors and Mother’s Day cakes.

Montgomery County Muslim Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3)tax-exempt organization that strives to encourage and promote the resident Muslim community’s involvement in community service projects that assist the county's needy regardless of faith, race or gender and seeks to work alongside like-minded volunteers and partner organizations.

For information about partnering, volunteering and/or donating to MCMF on the upcoming "Feed the Homeless" project July 21-27, contact the organization through e-mail at