Spring Songbirds Arriving Now

Local bird groups and bird walks help beginning birders see colorful birds.

The birds are coming.

The annual migration of often brightly colored songbirds from their winter homes in Central and South America, Mexico, the Caribbean Islands, and the southern U.S. is underway now. Millions and millions of avian migrants fly northward every night and the come down to rest or nest every morning. Some of the birds are enroute to nesting areas far to the north; some nest right here or nearby. Avian enthusiasts (birders/bird watchers) and general nature buffs have eagerly awaited the birds’ arrival and are now out in force hoping to see some of their feathered friends.

The spring breeding birds (50 or more species) are often boldly patterned and brightly colored. They exhibit in various patterns of black, white, yellow, red, blue, orange and myriad shades of brown and grey.

And they sing. Each species has a distinct song and call. Spring songbirds can be seen in many places in the area, from a tree in any yard, to “migrant traps,” natural areas that attract migrating birds and regular nesting sites.

The Baltimore Oriole, the state bird of Maryland, was named by the original settlers of Maryland in the 17th century, when they saw the orange and black bird, the same colors as the coat-of-arms of Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore, the founder of Maryland. They declared that the oriole was “Lord Baltimore’s bird.” Baltimore Orioles are easily found in late April and early May as they breed in Maryland and Virginia. Look for them along the C&O Canal, in the Great Falls Parks on both sides of the Potomac.

It’s a great opportunity to see Spring wildflowers as well.

Any morning, especially with south or southwest winds, from mid-April until late May is likely to bring a new wave of birds.

The local nesters are especially vocal when the first arrive and are setting up breeding territories. Look for them on the top of trees, often singing loudly.

Go at sunrise, or shortly thereafter when the new migrants have just arrived; late afternoon (4 to 6 p.m.) is also often productive, though not as good as early morning. If you have binoculars, take them. Listen carefully and look toward any bird sound you hear.

Local bird clubs have lots of bird walks in the Spring and are usually delighted to have new folks come along, and one will see more birds if going with an experienced group.

It’s a priceless opportunity to see a Baltimore or Orchard Oriole; a Scarlet or Summer Tanager; a Yellow-billed Cuckoo; a Rose-breasted or Blue Grosbeak; a bright–blue Indigo Bunting; a Prothonotary, Prairie, Hooded, or others of the more than 30 species of Warbler. Go look at the birds and celebrate Spring.

Donald Sweig, Ph.D, retired after nearly 30 years as the County Historian for Fairfax County, is an avid birder, nature photographer and naturalist.

Organized Bird Walks

Here are some planned bird walks in the area, beginners and novices welcomed.

8 a.m. Sundays, Bird Walk at Great Falls National Park, meet at the visitor center, 9200 Old Dominion Dr, McLean.

8 a.m. Sundays, Friends of Dyke Marsh lead a walk into Dyke Marsh all year long. www.fodm.org

Wednesday, Apr 30, 2014, 8:30 a.m. Daniels Run, 3721 Tedrich Blvd, Fairfax, Va. www.nvabc.org

Saturday, May 3, 2014, 7:30 a.m. Huntley Meadows Hike/Bike Trail, From I-495, take Route 1 south 3 mi. to Lockheed Blvd. Turn right on Lockheed Blvd. and go 0.5 mi. to Harrison Lane to park entrance on left. www.nvabc.org

Sunday, May 4, and every Sunday 8 a.m. Dyke Marsh with Friends of Dyke Marsh www.fodm.org

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 8:30 a.m. Long Branch, Arlington, Take Route 50 east from Fairfax or west from Rosslyn to Carlin Springs exit. South on Carlin Springs 0.5 mi. to Nature Center on left, just south of N. Va. Community Hospital on left. Meet at Nature Center parking lot. www.nvabc.org

Saturday, May 10, 7:30-10:30 a.m. Wolf Trap Park, Celebrate International Migratory Bird Day with a walk through the wetland and ridges of Wolf Trap. 1551 Trap Road, Vienna. Meet in the north end of the park, in the parking lot on the east side of Trap Road http://www.audubonva.org/

Wednesday May 14, 8:30 a.m. Fort C.F. Smith, 2411 N. 24th St, Arlington, www.nvabc.org

Wednesday, May 14, 7:30pm Friends of Dyke Marsh Quarterly Meeting. Norma Hoffman Visitor Center, Huntley Meadows Park, www.fodm.org

Wednesday, May 21, 8:30 a.m. Eakin Park 8515 Tobin Road, Annandale, www.nvabc.org

Wednesday, May 28, 8:30 a.m. Huntley Meadows, www.nvabc.org

Birding Hotspots in Virginia


Great Falls Park, http://www.nps.gov/grfa/index.htm

Riverbend Park along the Potomac. http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/riverbend-park/

Huntley Meadows Park,



Long Branch and Carlin Springs parks:



A wel-known and popular “migrant trap” in Alexandria is Monticello Park, 320 Beverly Drive.

Look in any local parks and in any wooded area, preferably at sunrise or soon after. Spring Birds are everywhere.

Spring Bird Hotspots in Potomac

C&O Canal National HIstorical Park and towpath from Fletcher’s Boathouse to out past Seneca.

At Great Falls in the C&O Canal National Historical Park the trees can be filled with nesting Baltimore and Orchard Orioles, Great-Crested flycatchers, and other birds.

From Pennyfield Lock, walk up stream as far as you want.

At Violette’s Lock, walk either way on the canal.

At Riley’s Lock either way will find you birds.

Little Bennett Park in Montgomery County


Also look in any local park or wooded area, preferably at sunrise or soon after. Spring Birds are everywhere.