Wednesday, August 27, 2014
To the Editor:
The following was addressed to Captain David Falcinelli, 2nd District Commander.
Congratulations on the great ticketing job! We were "right chuffed" (English expression) to see the windshields bearing the evidence of the campaign to stamp out illegal parking on shared use shoulders along MacArthur Boulevard. We saw it for ourselves on Sunday, Aug. 17. Our neighbors were equally thankful and enthusiastic, as we have long worried about the potential for serious injury to walkers and bikers who cannot use the paved shoulder due to illegally parked cars. We looked for tickets as we drove by Aug. 24 as there were just about as many illegally parked cars. We saw none, but it was early in the afternoon — and many drivers are probably those who come occasionally but not necessarily every weekend. It will take a while for the medicine to take effect.
Several people told me that they had seen illegally cars being towed. I suggest this not be done, at least during the summer, while frequent users get used to the idea that the parking restriction will be enforced. There are no signs anywhere along MacArthur Boulevard alerting drivers to the possibility of being towed or informing them what company or phone number to contact to locate their cars. I can imagine the consternation, panic and fury of a family returning from a hike along the canal, and finding their car has vanished. I think towing, at this point, seems excessive and unfair. I suggest you continue the ticketing. Those who live in the area and see the problem every weekend and holiday support your active enforcement.
Peggy Dennis