Thursday, August 28, 2014
Now that Montgomery County Public Schools are back in session, the Police Department reminds residents that on Jan. 2 the county began using an automated school bus camera enforcement program. Every driver should know that when approaching a stopped school bus with activated stop sign and flashing red lights, Maryland law requires that all traffic from both directions must stop and remain stopped until the stop sign and lights are de-activated. That includes when driving on a two-lane roadway, a two-lane roadway with a center turning lane and a four-lane roadway without a median separation. The only exception is for a divided highway of four lanes or more with a median separation.
The automated school bus camera enforcement program continues to expand and is designed to allow the cameras to be moved throughout the county as needed. These violations are reviewed by the police department’s Automated Traffic Enforcement Unit and citations are mailed to the registered owner. The fine from the automated enforcement is $125. If a driver is stopped by a police officer for passing a stopped school bus with flashing lights, the fine is $570 and 3 points.
Police remind drivers to obey the posted speed limit and pay close attention to their surroundings at all times.