Potomac: WMCCA

Next WMCCA Meeting

The next meeting of the West Montgomery County Citizens Association will be held at the Potomac Community Center, Wednesday, Dec. 10, 7:15 p.m.

The guest speaker will be Callum Murray, Area 3 Community Planning Leader, Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC).

For many years now, WMCCA has invited Murray to come speak at a general meeting once a year and provide an update on the Potomac Subregion Master Plan implementation.

Starting in 2000, Callum was the planner who saw Potomac through the revision process. Potomac was one of the last Master Plans to have an Advisory Group appointed by MNCPPC, expected to meet monthly, engage in discussion, and come to a consensus on any number of proposals and policies. Callum facilitated the diverse Master Plan Advisory Group through three years of meetings. Since then his territory has expanded to include the Agricultural Reserve.

Remaining within the confines of a Master Plan takes vigilance. Citizens need to stay abreast of issues and guard the plan from precedent-setting incursions and outright violations. With his institutional memory, Murray has been an invaluable resource to citizens as well as public officials. At the end of December, Callum is retiring and WMCCA has asked him to speak one last time, offer his musings and historical perspective while giving the community a chance to show its appreciation for his years of service.

As always, the public is encouraged to attend. If schools are closed because of inclement weather, the meeting will be cancelled.