Accepting Differences

Congregation B’Nai Tzedek hosts holiday party for Jewish Foundation for Group Homes’ adults with disabilities.

Sixth grade religious students at Congregation B’Nai Tzedek (CBT) were taught by members of their Special Needs committee about differences that the disabled adults who live at the Jewish Foundation for Group Homes (JFGH) might have — and the importance of accepting the disparity among people’s abilities.

They were also taught to understand the challenges that some of the JFGH residents face — and how to interact with their guests and new acquaintances.

On Dec. 21, these students, along with CBT Social Action and Special Needs committee members and Congregation members will welcome 90 JFGH residents to their synagogue on South Glen Road for a holiday party. The event will feature dancing to songs played by a DJ, crafts and refreshments. This is the second year that the group has hosted this party.

The students will have the opportunity to dance with their guests, help them create crafts, serve them refreshments and mingle and share time with them. “Last year, it was a great event and I loved seeing the love and friendships in the room,” said congregant Amy Fink, one of the party’s organizers. “The smiles on our guests’ faces were priceless, and the 6th graders did a wonderful job making our guests feel at home at B’nai Tzedek.”

Immediately prior to the event, several members of the Special Needs Committee went into the 6th grade Religious School class to speak about accepting people’s differences, the challenges that some of the JFGH residents might face, and how the students could be good ambassadors representing CBT to interact with the residents and make sure they have a great time.

Lisa Cordell who served last year as a co-chair of the Special Needs Committee, said, "As the sibling of one of our guests, it was so special for me to share with my brother a community event at my synagogue. As a parent, I felt great pride as my daughter engaged guests on how to do an art project. And as the co-chair of our Special Needs committee, I felt tremendous satisfaction seeing our community come together to make a special day for the JFGH residents, proving that the B'nai Tzedek is a warm and caring community that walks the walk when it comes to making an inclusive environment where ‘All Are Welcome.’”

“Our synagogue is very committed to including adults and children with all kinds of disabilities,” said Amanda Katz, assistant executive director of CBT. “We are always looking for ways to involve our congregation is serving the greater Jewish community. We are very proud of our 6th Grade Religious class for their involvement and their enthusiasm — and they have often told us how good they feel when they give back.”

To learn more about CBT, go to its website The synagogue is located at 10621 South Glen Road, Potomac.