Friday, December 19, 2014
1986-1991: Elementary School Teacher, Yoakum, Texas (1,539 students, 38% white and 50% Latino and spends about $8,000 per pupil).
July 1991-1994: Education Specialist, Region III Education Service Center, Victoria, Texas. Victoria ISD has 13,680 students and spends about $7,500 per pupil annually.
July 1994-July 1996: Principal, East Side Elementary School grades 5-6, Palacios Independent School District (ISD), Palacios, Texas (1,508 students, $10,269 per student, 68% economically disadvantaged).
July 1996-July 1997: Curriculum Supervisor K-12, El Campo ISD, El Campo, Texas (3,465 students, $9,735 per student, 67% economically disadvantaged).
July 1997-July 1999: Associate Executive Director for Governmental Relations, Texas Association of School Administrators.
July 1999-October 2002: Executive Director for Curriculum, Staff Development, and Accountability, Katy ISD, Katy, Texas (58,444 students, $7,740 per student, 29% disadvantaged).
October 2002-August 2004: Associate Executive Director for Governmental Relations, Texas Association of School Administrators.
August 2004-June 2005: Deputy Superintendent, Corpus Christi ISD, Corpus Christi, Texas (38,041 students, spends $8,240, 68% disadvantaged).
June 2005-July 2009: Chief Academic Officer, Houston ISD, Houston, Texas. (200,944 students, $9,231 per student, 80% disadvantaged).
July 2009-June 2013: Superintendent of Schools, Lubbock ISD, Lubbock, Texas (28,476 students, $8,163 per student, 62% disadvantaged).
July 2013-present: Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent. Fairfax County Public Schools (186,785 students, $16,880 per student, 26.4% free/reduced price meal eligible).
Sources: Fairfax County Public Schools, Washington Area Boards of Education, Texas Tribune