News Brief: C&O Canal Park Staff Advise Caution

The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park (C&O Canal) urges park visitors on the towpath to use caution following the recent winter storms. Weather conditions including ice, heavy snow and high winds may cause trees and branches to become weakened with the potential of falling. Avoid the park if winds are gusting and use caution during or following a storm event. If bicycling, wear a helmet at all times. If caught in a high wind situation, find an open area away from trees and stay there until the winds subside.

If encountering a hazardous situation or downed tree, report to park staff. Park maintenance staff will be respond to hazardous conditions and remove downed trees as they are reported. At this time the park will remain open to the general public.

For more information on severe weather conditions and tips for staying safe during extreme weather at the park, visit our webpage at

To report a life-threatening emergency, call 911 or contact the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park's Emergency Hotline 1-866-677-6677.