Potomac Bulletin Board for 1/1/14

Workshops Available

New Workshops. JSSA’s (Jewish Social Service Agency) Winter/Spring 2014 Workshops and Groups are open for enrollment with details online. These new programs provide the opportunity for anyone in the community struggling with a wide range of learning, behavioral, emotional and physical challenges to learn from JSSA’s highly skilled professionals and to share with others who are facing similar challenges. Limited space is available for some workshops and groups. New programs just added include: Children of Divorce Support Group; Connecting in Friendship; We Can Get Along; and Social Clubs for individuals diagnosed with a Level 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder. Visit http://www.jssa.org/ or contact Lise Bram at lbram@jssa.org.

Friday/Jan. 3

Application Deadline. Budding filmmakers can send in their film for consideration to be included in the Bethesda Film Fest. Visit www.bethesda.org or 301-215-6660 for an application or information.

Tuesday/Jan. 7

Drop-In Discussion About Grief and Healing. 1-2:30 p.m. at Montgomery Hospice, 1355 Piccard Drive, Rockville. For anyone mourning the death of a loved one. Free and open to any Montgomery County resident. Registration required: 301-921-4400.

Sunday-Tuesday/Jan. 12-14

Volunteer Training Program. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at JSSA, 6123 Montrose Road. Learn how to become a volunteer for the Hospice and Transition programs. Volunteers must be over the age of 18. For more

information on training, to register and start the interview process, contact Amy Kaufman Goott, Manager of Volunteer Services, at 301-816- 2650, agoott@jssa.org, no later than 5 days prior to the start of the course.

Monday/Jan. 13

Meeting. 7-10:45 p.m. at County Council Office Building, 100 Maryland Ave., Rockville. The Civic Federation presents “Opening Government: Transparency and Ethics.” Free. Visit www.montgomerycivic.org for more.

Tuesday/Jan. 14

Afternoon Grief Support Group. 1-2:30 p.m. Tuesdays at Faith United Methodist Church, 6810 Montrose Road, Rockville. For anyone grieving the death of a loved one, a six-week group led by Montgomery Hospice professional counselors. Registration required: 301-921-4400.

Tuesday/Jan. 21

Loss of a Child Support Group. 6:30-8 p.m. Tuesdays. Montgomery Hospice, 1355 Piccard Drive, Suite 100, Rockville. For parents grieving the death of a child of any age, a six-week group led by Montgomery Hospice professional counselors. Registration required: 301-921-4400.

Thursday/Jan. 23

Evening Grief Support Group. For anyone grieving the death of a loved one, a six-week group led by Montgomery Hospice professional counselors. 6:30-8 p.m. Thursdays at Montgomery Hospice, 1355 Piccard Drive, Rockville. Registration required: 301-921-4400.

Sunday/Jan. 26

Camp Expo. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. at Hilton Hotel & Meeting Center, 1750 Rockville Pike. Meet with camp directors and learn about camps to get a start on planning the summer. Free. There will be prizes, performances, moonbounces and more. Visit www.washingtonparent.com for more.

Monday/March 3

Application Deadline. The online application for the Military Officers Association of America Educational Assistance Programs for the 2014-2015 school year is now available online at https://scholarship.moaa.org/login.aspx. Students can apply for the interest-free loans and grants, which are awarded annually for up to five years of undergraduate study (or until a student graduates.)

Applicants must be graduating high school seniors or full-time college students working toward their first undergraduate degree. Students may apply online at www.moaa.org/education. The application deadline is Monday, March 3 at noon. Visit www.moaa.org/scholarshipfund or e-mail edassist@MOAA.org.


County residents can drop off bulky rigid plastic items such as laundry baskets, kiddie pools, chairs, trash cans and pet carriers at the Shady Grove Solid Waste Processing Facility and Transfer Station. All items should be empty, rinsed and free of loose dirt, soil, etc.

Ride On monthly passes for Children. $11 monthly Youth Cruiser SmarTrip® card is available to riders under 18. To buy the first card, parents must apply in person and show proof of age and county residence for the prospective riders. The cards can be purchased at the TRIPS commuter store in Friendship Heights (17 Wisconsin Circle), the one in Silver Spring (8413 Ramsey Avenue) or at the county's Division of Treasury (255 Rockville Pike, L-15, Rockville).

Connect-A-Ride offers low-priced transportation to medical appointments, pharmacies, grocery stores and more for low-income, disabled residents 50 and over. Contact the Jewish Council for the Aging at 301-738-3252.

Alzheimer's Association support groups provide a place for people with Alzheimer's, their caregivers, family members, and/or friends to share information, caregiving tips and concerns throughout the Alzheimer's journey. Groups are facilitated by trained group leaders and are ongoing, free and open to the community. Call the Alzheimer's Association 24/7 Helpline at 800-272-3900 before attending a group for the first time to verify meeting information, obtain directions or other information. A complete list of all groups in the National Capital Area region can be viewed at www.alz.org/nca.

Zumba at Village Yoga. An easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party. Classes are offered on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Saturday mornings at 11:30 a.m., and Sunday afternoon at 5:15. All classes at 10154 River Road. Call 301-299-1948 or visit www.villageyogayogi.com.

Beginner’s Yoga Classes at Village Yoga as well as Beginner’s Gentle Flow class throughout week. 10154 River Road. For more information call 301-299-1948 or visit www.villageyogayogi.com.

Members Wanted. The Potomac Area Newcomers Club is a group of more than 200 women who have moved to the Potomac area. The club offers bridge, mah jong, book groups, golf, luncheons and museum trips as a way to help newcomers and current residents form new friendships, expand horizons and take advantage of opportunities in the Washington, D.C. area. Visit www.potomacnewcomers.com

Free Parent-Child Playgroup. Every Friday at 9:30 a.m. at the Har Shalom Early Childhood Education Center. Meet new friends as you and your child play with age appropriate toys. Call 301-299-7087.

English Literacy for Adults. The Literacy Council of Montgomery County offers free literacy classes in reading, writing, listening, speaking, from beginning to advanced levels, including classes that focus on employment skills. The council also offers one-on-one tutoring. Volunteers lead the classes, tutor and act as mentors. The fall class schedule and registration dates are available online. Anyone interested in signing up for a class or volunteering should contact the Literacy Council. Email info@literacycouncilmcmd.org or 301-610-0030.

Montgomery County Master Gardeners are seeking applicants for their upcoming training class. Class size is limited and filled on a first-come, first-served basis. To be placed on the application list, or for more information, call 301-590-2836.

Volunteer Opportunities

A local version of the Peace Corps has been established in Montgomery County by County Executive Ike Leggett. Called Montgomery Corps., it gives five county residents an opportunity to dedicate one year of service to Montgomery County.

Parks need support from the surrounding communities for volunteers to work at many visitor centers. Volunteers are needed to help visitors, take phone calls, operate the cash register and keep small gift shop stocked, and assist with special events and programming. Hours are flexible and each volunteer will receive an orientation to the Visitor Center and visitor services. Volunteers are needed at Cumberland, Hancock, Williamsport, Ferry Hill, Brunswick, Lander Lockhouse, Great Falls, and Georgetown. For locations between Cumberland and Lander, contact Curt Gaul at 301-582-0813 or curt_gaul@nps.gov. For Great Falls or Georgetown, contact Becca Jameson at 301-767-3709 or rebecca_jameson@nps.gov.

The Bethesda Urban Partnership is looking for volunteers to help assist with various local festivals including Taste of Bethesda in Oct. E-mail info@bethesda.org.

BUP is a non-profit organization that handles landscaping and maintenance as well as promotion of the downtown through innovative marketing campaigns and large-scale events to foster an environment in which downtown Bethesda can thrive and prosper. Call 301-215-6660, or email info@bethesda.org.

CANTER-Mid Atlantic to open a racehorse rehabilitation program with donations from Delaware Park and the Delaware Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association earmarked to serve Delaware Park trainers and owners. To find an ex-race horse, volunteer, or make a donation, visit www.canterusa.org/midatlantic.

To become a volunteer Bike Patrol member on the C&O Canal, contact Norman Liebow at liebow@comcast.net or 301-714-2218.

The Greater Chesapeake and Potomac Blood Services Region of the American Red Cross is seeking volunteers to assist its blood collections staff at blood drives and blood donor centers. Call the American Red Cross Volunteer Office at 1-800-272-0094, ext. 1, or e-mail karlofft@usa.redcross.org.

Volunteers are needed to assist sexual assault victims and their families through the Victim Assistance and Sexual Assault Program of the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services. To schedule an interview visit www.montgomerycountymd.gov/vasap or 240-777-1355.