Primary Finalizes November Competitors

A Green candidate joins County Board at Large race.

The Democratic primaries, held on June 24, have solidified the candidate field for November’s elections. Unofficial results from the Montgomery County Board of Elections, including early voting, election day, and absentee voting, is as follows:

For County Executive, Ike Leggett received 38,997 out of 85,741 total votes cast. Leggett will be facing Republican Jim Shalleck in November.

For County Council District 1, Roger Berliner received 17,544 out of 22,315 total votes cast. Berliner will be facing Republican Jim Kirkland in November.

The four candidates for County Board at Large with the highest number of votes were Marc Elrich, who received 56,186 votes out of 265,479 total cast; Nancy M. Floreen, who received 51,720 votes; Hans Riemer, who received 48,796 votes; and George L. Leventhal, who received 45,231 votes. In November, they will face Republican candidates Robert Dyer, Shelly Skolnick, Chris P. Fiotes, Jr., and Adol Owen-Williams, and Green candidate Tim Willard.

For state senator in the 16th District, Susan C. Lee received 11,841 out of 13,910 total votes cast. Lee will be facing Republican Meyer F. Marks in November.

For state delegates in the 15th District, the three Democratic candidates with the highest number of votes were Kathleen Dumais, with 6,049 of 19,749 votes cast; Aruna Miller, with 5,643 votes; and D. Hidalgo-Fraser, with 4,379 votes. In November, they will face Republicans Flynn Ficker, Edwin Edmundson and Christine Thron.

For state delegates in the 16th District, the three Democrats with the highest number of votes in the primary were Ariana Kelly, who received 9,750 of 38,090 total votes cast; Bill Frick, with 8,824 votes; and Marc Korman, with 8,329 votes. They will face Republicans John Andrews, Rose Maria Li and Lynda del Castillo.

For Montgomery County Sheriff, Darren Mark Popkin was the Democrat who received the most votes, 40,872 of the 63,032 votes cast.

Non-partisan Board of Education at Large candidates who received the most votes in the primary were Jill Ortman-Fouse, with 28,148 of 82,535 total votes cast; and Shebra Evans, who received 25,797 votes.