Eight FCPS Students Win College-Sponsored Merit Scholarships

Eight Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) graduates from the class of 2014 have been named winners of college-sponsored scholarships by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC).

Recipients of college-sponsored scholarships from the NMSC, with their probable career fields in parentheses, are:

  • Celia Islam of Vienna, Marshall High School (medicine), National Merit George Washington University Scholarship.

  • Brian Clark of Burke, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) (engineering), National Merit Case Western Reserve University Scholarship.

  • Adam Friedman of Fairfax, TJHSST (environmental science), National Merit Emory University Scholarship.

  • Nicholas Jones of Round Hill, TJHSST (aerospace engineering), National Merit University of Central Florida Scholarship.

  • Thomas Lunn of Potomac Falls, TJHSST (international relations), National Merit Bowdoin College Scholarship.

  • Timothy Ruiter of Centreville, TJHSST (biomedical engineering), National Merit University of Georgia Scholarship.

  • Vishal Talasani of Alexandria, TJHSST (economics), National Merit University of Chicago Scholarship.

  • Tony Xiao of Herndon, TJHSST (film production), National Merit Vanderbilt University Scholarship.

College-sponsored Merit Scholarships provide between $500 and $2,000 annually for up to four years of undergraduate study at the institution financing the scholarship. Nationwide, approximately 7,600 students have won Merit Scholarship awards in 2014.