Wednesday, June 18, 2014
I am writing to follow up on our telephone conversation and your subsequent emails to Council member Berliner and to Arthur Holmes, director, Department of Transportation regarding delays to northbound Falls Road traffic at the subject intersection.
I have observed the intersection on Friday, June 6 as well as having our traffic management aircraft monitor this location during the evening peak traffic period. What we have found is that traffic volumes in this area of Falls Road are rising for the evening peak period earlier than we had previously found. In response we have adjusted the timing of the signal to begin using its evening peak settings beginning at 2:30 p.m. This provides a longer cycle length overall as well as additional green signal time to the Falls Road approaches. Our thought is that by beginning the evening peak program earlier we can stay ahead of the increasing demand.
If you have any questions or if additional information is required please contact me either by email or by phone.
B.C. Mangum, Manager, Transportation Systems Engineering
Division of Traffic Engineering and Operations
Department of Transportation