Wednesday, November 12, 2014
To the Editor:
Despite new “No Parking” signs and a large electric flashing sign warning park visitors that “No Parking Signs Enforced” no enforcement has been seen and parking is still a problem.
A few weeks ago when the large flashing electric sign appeared near the parking lot at Old Anglers Inn, I was excited that the county was taking this dangerous parking situation seriously. Since then, I have not seen any enforcement. I think it sends the wrong message to put all the expense and effort into new “No Parking” signs all along the road, situating a large flashing electric sign saying that “No Parking Signs Enforced,” and then not to do anything. There was not a single parking ticket to be seen on this section of MacArthur Boulevard last Sunday, and every parked car in this photo (at right) is parked illegally with clearly marked “No Parking” signs along both sides of the road.
Barbara Hoover