Pet Calendar Raises Funds for Animal Groups

Proceeds to support Pet Connect Rescue and MCPAW.

Rudy is the gorgeous Cover Dog, Baxter is the adorable April Dog of the Month and Cayden is the June beauty.

These three rescue dogs along with 10 more pups are the winners of the Pet Calendar Contest launched by Jean Bae, owner of Cabin John's Salon Jean. The 2015 calendars will feature photos of the favorite dogs of the Calendar Contest she initiated in February through Facebook. Her Facebook friends had the opportunity to vote on the cutest dogs and now, the 13 winners are being featured in a pet calendar. The calendars will sell for $20 and all proceeds will be donated to Pet Connect Rescue of Potomac and to Montgomery County Partners for Animal Well-Being (MCPAW).

"I became involved through my clients, many who bring their dogs to my salon while they receive their salon services," said Bae. We had often discussed the centers that kill animals and I wanted to do something to give back and to help the no-kill shelters. I am pleased that we have Pet Connect Rescue and MCPAW in our community and can raise funds to help them. One hundred percent of the money we get from the sale of 1,000 calendars — hopefully $20,000 will be given to these two worthy organizations. We hope the community will support our effort and purchase these unique calendars."

The calendars will feature coupons from Bae's salon, Salon Jean. Bae held a fundraiser in the summer for the printing costs of the calendar. She is also holding a toy drive for food and toys for the animal shelters. Professional dog photographer Leslie Lane volunteered her time and expertise to do a free photoshoot of each dog.

Pet Connect Rescue was founded in 2005 with the mission of "rescuing at-risk cats and dogs from high-kill shelters, placing them in loving foster homes, providing medical treatment and thoughtfully placing them with loving adoptees." MCPAW is a dedicated partner of the Montgomery County Animal Services and Adoption Center. Together they are creating a facility to house and care for animals while they await new homes or are reunited with their owners. Both organizations save animals from kill shelters and find them homes.

The winning Cover Dog is a 7-year-old dachshund named Rudy, owned by Donna Zeigfiner. She said, "Rudy came from a puppy mill of over 900 dogs in West Virginia. He had never been touched by humans and was very fearful and timid. Dogs need socialization, and Rudy has come so far. We are thrilled that our little dachshund is the cover boy. I'm like a stage mother."

Sara Sadler and her husband adopted their dachshund/shepard mix named Cayden in March, 2014 — and now he is the June pin-up in the Pet Calendar. He came from the Lucky Dog Animal Rescue in D.C. She said, "He is the absolute joy of our lives. He is smart, friendly and loving. He loves to cuddle, play fetch and watch sports with his ‘dad.’ We love that he is in the pet calendar. Cayden feels honored to be part of something so amazing, helping other dogs find loving homes just like he did."

Candace Sahm's Baxter is also a rescue dog. The beagle/dachshund mix is a rescue dog who came from South Carolina. "Baxter is my buddy," says Sahm. "He helps me with my tutoring business — I tutor children, teenagers and adults who have ADHD. He greets them at the door and instantly makes them feel at home and relaxed. He is also great at cheering up a student who comes in feeling upset from their school day." Baxter is the April doggie.

Calendars can be purchased at Salon Jean, 7945 MacArthur Blvd, Cabin John. They can also be purchased through local Veterinarian, Leslie Taylor DVM, 9125 River Road, Potomac or through MCPAW ( or Pet Connect Rescue (