Assisting Potomac Community Village

To the Editor:

It is exciting and very gratifying to us at Potomac Community Village to see three of our active members — Barry Perlis, and Jill and John Phillips — honored by the Potomac Chamber of Commerce. Barry, who was named Citizen of the Year by the chamber, is a member of our board of directors and has guided its formation from its beginning; Jill has been a helpful guide and our link to Potomac Day.

All of them have been instrumental in the development of Potomac Community Village, a non-profit volunteer group established to enhance the quality of the lives of Potomac community residents, enabling us to stay in our homes as we age and remain vibrant, contributing community members. Our educational and social activities provide information and social connection. We link members with volunteers who help with transportation and other tasks that have become too difficult or unsafe, or that may be needed on a temporary basis, such as pet care or assistance with electronic devices. We welcome volunteers of all ages.

Potomac Community Village will have a booth on Potomac Day. We invite everyone to stop by and learn more, to visit our website at, and to celebrate with us as we recognize and honor our newest Citizen and Business People of the Year.