Board of Elections Seeks Workers

Montgomery County’s Board of Elections is seeking registered voters to manage polling places and provide customer service as an Election Judge on Tuesday, Nov. 4.

To serve in this paid position, an election judge must be registered to vote in the State of Maryland, must also be able to speak, read, and write the English language, and must not hold, or be a candidate for, public or party office. In addition, election judges may not serve as a campaign manager for a candidate or as treasurer for any campaign financial entity.

The Montgomery County Board of Elections especially needs election judges who are bilingual in English and Spanish, and workers who are willing to travel to fill vacancies throughout the county. If interested, sign up early, because the application process requires both an online quiz and hands-on training before being assigned to a polling place. Pay varies based on the position.

To apply online, or for more information, visit and select the Election Judges’ link. For other election information, call 240-777-VOTE, visit, the mobile friendly website at, or the Maryland State Board of Elections’ website at , or follow the Montgomery County Board of Elections on Facebook or Twitter.