Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Potomac The Scotland African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church family will celebrate its 110th anniversary on Sept. 13. The theme is “Honoring our Past, Treasuring Our Future” based on Jeremiah 29:11.
On this occasion, the church will have two worship experiences: At 11 a.m., the Rev. Dr. Clifford D. Barnett will be the guest preacher. Barnett is the pastor of Warner Temple A.M.E Zion Church, located in Wilmington, N.C., and a son of Scotland Church. In between services, from 1-3 p.m., a meal will be served at the Bette Carol Thompson – Scotland Neighborhood Recreation Center. Then at 3 p.m., choir director Joshua Sommerville and members of His W.I.L. Community Gospel Choir will minister in song.
The Scotland African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church is located at 10902 Seven Locks Road, Potomac.