Potomac WMCCA: To Protect and Preserve

Newcomers & Community Guide

Wooded stream valley parks, wetlands, meadows, extensive tree canopy, rustic roads, rich biodiversity, including rare, threatened, and endangered species, and the crown jewels – the C &O Canal Historical Park and the Potomac River. These are the Potomac Subregion’s environmental treasures. Their natural beauty enriches our personal lives in many intangible ways and the tangible environmental services they provide protect the area’s soil, the air we breathe and the water we drink. They are major draws for those who choose to live, work, and play here.

Established by concerned citizens in 1947, the West Montgomery County Citizens Association (WMCCA) works tirelessly to protect, preserve, and promote the very best of the Potomac Subregion while minimizing adverse impacts to the environment and our overall quality of life. The Subregion was designated by the Montgomery County Council as a “low density residential wedge area, which would complement the developed 1-270 corridor” and protect the public water supply and the agricultural reserve. The 2002 Potomac Subregion Master Plan reaffirmed this “Green Wedge” function and maintains Potomac’s semi-rural character through low density zoning, limited sewer capacity, the two-lane road network, and a confined commercial core. These limit impervious surfaces, enhance forest and tree cover, and protect streams, wetlands and the Potomac River, the major source of public drinking water. WMCCA’s primary focus remains grounded in the principles enunciated in the Master Plan.

WMCCA pursues its goals in a collaborative fashion working with citizens, scientific experts, and local, state, and national officials. A major emphasis is placed on the dissemination and consideration of information critical to the development of environmentally sound, practical approaches to decision making. Citizen involvement is strengthened by providing individuals with the information and tools they need to address their particular concerns. As a result, WMCCA is often the “go to” organization when individuals are faced with unexpected, unwarranted threats to their neighborhoods. WMCCA members meet frequently with government officials, testify, and, if needed, initiate legal action to ensure citizen concerns are heard and that actions taken are consistent with the Master Plan and the relevant statutes and regulations.

Membership is open to all who live in the Potomac Subregion. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to join and participate in our efforts. WMCCA holds monthly meetings open to all, not just WMCCA members, on the second Wednesday of the month from October through May at the Potomac Community Center, 11315 Falls Road beginning at 7:15 p.m. Programs feature a wide range of speakers, citizen concerns, development proposals, and environmental issues relevant to our community. Additional information concerning WMCCA, including membership information, is available at www.wmcca.org. Check the Potomac Almanac and the WMCCA website for details on upcoming meetings.

WMCCA is currently following these important issues:

  • Maryland Catering Co. (Mark Reges and Sara Reges) conditional use application to construct a 9,000 sq. ft. wedding/banquet/business meeting venue for 240 customers, a 4 unit motel, and 80 parking spaces on land north of Old Angler’s Inn at 10801 MacArthur Blvd;

  • Rockwood Park Feasibility Study - proposal to make changes to this event venue operated by the Montgomery County Parks Department, including a possible new exit on Belfast Road;

  • Glen Hills – Montgomery County Executive Leggett proposed sewer policy text amendments for adoption by the Montgomery County Council;

  • Implementation of the new Montgomery County Zoning Code;

  • WSSC’s proposed Mid-River Intake at the River Road Infiltration Facility; and,

  • Brandywine Senior Living conditional use application for a facility at the current site of the Potomac Tennis Club on Falls Road.