Friday, December 18, 2015
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Interim Superintendent Larry A. Bowers presented his recommended $2.4 billion Fiscal Year 2017 Operating Budget to the Board of Education on Dec. 8. The budget calls for a 4.5 percent increase in new spending.
The $103 million increase Bowers’ is recommending will pay for the same level of services for more than 2,500 additional students and includes investments to improve students’ literacy and math skills; build the cultural proficiency of staff; foster stronger partnerships with the community and families to support students; and better organize the district to ensure every student is prepared for college and careers.
The budget recommendation also requests the County Council to restore $24 million in one-time funding used for the FY 2016 budget and an additional $7.9 million to pay for teacher pension costs that have been shifted from the state to the county. With these two items, the budget increase totals $134.9 million.
The School Board will adopt the budget on Feb. 9, 2016, and transmit it to the County Executive and County Council for their consideration. The council adopts its final operating budget, which includes the MCPS budget, in late May.