Letter: Role of Potomac Community Village

Letter to the Editor

Thank you very much for your coverage in the May 27 issue of Potomac Community Village’s birthday party on May 21. However, your article said we had the pleasure of having Congressman John Delaney as our speaker that evening. We did not. Instead, we heard from Jay Kenney, chief of Montgomery County’s Aging and Disability Services unit, who spoke on the predicted significant increase in the number of age-65 and up county residents over the next 30 years, a huge increase in the number of over 100s in that same time period, and how the county is responding to this demographic challenge.

Potomac Community Village (PCV) was also very pleased to have honored five Potomac businesses that evening (as shown in the photo you published) for their support of PCV’s mission to enable Potomac residents to remain in their homes as they age. PCV is partnering with still another Potomac business on Wednesday, June 10, when Tally Ho Restaurant will donate to PCV 20 percent of what is spent from 5-9 p.m. that evening by PCV’s members and friends, whether dine-in, take-out or delivery. We invite the entire community to show their support of our mission by eating dinner with us that evening.

Potomac Community Village (PCV) is a volunteer nonprofit group that provides social, educational and wellness activities, enabling members to be vibrant, contributing members of our community. We link members with neighbors who assist with transportation, computer assistance, simple home repairs and other services. More information about us can be found at www.PotomacCommunityVillage.org. PCV is part of a nationwide movement of more than 400 Villages, with more than 40 in the Washington, D.C. area.

Sheila Moldover

Communications Chair

Potomac Community Village