Interfaith Works To Spotlight Volunteers

Interfaith Works CEO Shane C. Rock will present “The State of the Safety Net” in Montgomery County at the organization’s 18th annual Companies Caring Breakfast on March 24 at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference. Interfaith Works provides an array of services to help thousands of individuals and families move from crisis to stability.

At the breakfast, Interfaith Works will honor:

  • HMSHost as Corporate Partner of the Year. Global restaurateur HMSHost creates dining for travel venues as part of Autogrill Group – a provider of food and beverage services for people on the move. Since 2012, HMSHost has been a committed donor to multiple Interfaith Works’ programs and is an active volunteer for both Friends in Action families and the Interfaith Clothing Center.

  • Margo & Bruce Fonoroff as Humanitarians of the Year. As a former Montgomery County Public Schools teacher and principal, Margo Fonoroff is passionate about children. For years, she and her husband, Bruce, a retired senior government executive and management consultant, and president of the Park Potomac Homeowners Association, have organized the annual Park Potomac Ice Cream Social for Charity involving hundreds of residents and local businesses within the community. Over the past five years, the event has resulted in donations of thousands of new backpacks and new school supplies to support vulnerable school children through Interfaith Works’ School Supplies Drive.

  • Mary Ann Sestili with the Legacy of Leadership Award. Sestili began her 15-year relationship with Interfaith Works when, as a volunteer for the Friends in Action Program, she and her team members mentored families in need. She then served on the board in several capacities — as secretary, chair and currently as vice chair of the Governance Committee. A cell biologist by training, Sestili was employed at the National Institutes of Health. She is a member of Our Lady of Mercy Parish in Potomac.

County Council President George Leventhal will be the emcee for the event.

For more information on the event, go to: