Wednesday, March 18, 2015
The Montgomery County Council unanimously approved Bill 56-14 on March 3 to prohibit the use of electronic cigarettes in public places where traditional tobacco smoking is prohibited.
The chief sponsor of the bill to ban e-cigarettes was Councilmember Nancy Floreen. Councilmembers Roger Berliner, Marc Elrich, Tom Hucker, Sidney Katz, George Leventhal, Nancy Navarro, Craig Rice and Hans Riemer all were co-sponsors. The bill goes to County Executive Ike Leggett for his approval. It will take effect 91 days after he signs it.
Bill 56-14 also will restrict the sale of certain liquid nicotine or liquid nicotine containers in retail outlets unless the nicotine is in a container considered child resistant packaging. Amendments added to the bill after its introduction by the Council’s Health and Human Services (HHS) Committee also were approved. Those amendments broadened the definition of electronic cigarette to include e-cigars, e-hookahs, e-pipes and vape pens.