Potomac: Fashion Show To Benefit Stroke Rehabilitation

Event to raise awareness of symptoms and treatment.

Sara and Mark Reges, proprietors of the historic Old Anglers Inn, are once again pleased to be hosting the annual Spring Fashion Show to Honor American Stroke Month. Sara Reges is an RN at MedStar National Rehabilitation Network (NRH) as well as a brain injury nurse navigator. However, her passion for holding the event at their restaurant is based on her own personal experiences — losing her mother in 2013 to a stroke, and nursing her son Charles back to health and a normal life after he suffered a traumatic brain injury in a bicycle accident 8 years ago. She understands the difficulties that are placed on the patient as well as the families of stoke victims — and wants to share this knowledge with women. “We know that when someone has a stroke, everyone has a stroke,” she said.

The patio of Old Angler’s Inn in Potomac will be the setting for the luncheon and latest fashions presented by stylist Effie Elkorek of Bloomingdale’s on Wednesday, May 13, from 11:30-2 p.m. Guests will not only have to opportunity to view and order the latest fashions from Bloomingdale’s, but can also shop for trendy handbags, jewelry, beachwear and gift items from barbie b.

The event is sponsored by MedStar National Rehabilitation Network (NRH) and MedStar Washington Hospital Center. Alexander W. Dromerick, M.D. and Amie W. Hsia, M.D. will be the featured speakers. Dromerick is vice president of research at MedStar NRH and Hsia is the medical director of the MedStar Washington Hospital Center Comprehensive Stroke Center. They will be speaking about the importance of stroke rehabilitation and also explaining the latest research on stroke prevention and recovery.

This program will include information for the women attending the event. Emily Riffle, vice president of philanthropy at MedStar NRH said, “Stroke is the number one service line at MedStar NRH. With an aging population, stroke and brain injury are increasing. Strokes affect women more than men and because women usually take the lead on health issues in a family, it is vital to educate women about strokes, the causes, prevention and treatment options. Stoke and brain injuries are the focus of much of our work now and in the future.”

According to data from The Stroke Center, strokes are the third leading cause of death in the U.S. behind heart disease and cancer. Someone dies every 3.3 seconds from a stroke. Seven hundred thousand individuals of all ages (including children) are affected each year by strokes.

MedStar National Rehabilitation Network is a regional system of rehabilitation care that offers inpatient, day treatment and outpatient services in Washington, D.C., Maryland, Northern Virginia and Delaware. The Network provides programs specifically designed to aid in the rehabilitation of adults and children recovering from neurologic and orthopedic conditions such as amputation, arthritis, back and neck pain, brain injury, cancer, cardiac conditions, concussion, fibromyalgia, foot and ankle disorders, hand and upper extremity problems, post-polio syndrome, stroke, spinal cord injury and disease, and sports and work-related injuries.

Riffle and Reges explained that MedStar NRH has 40 outpatient sites in Maryland, D.C. and Virginia and also in Millsboro, Del.

“Once a patient is released from our hospital, where do they go to receive the therapy that is so vital for recovery? Patients can return to their home environment, but receive their therapy from a near-by site; for example, if one lives in Bethesda or Potomac, they only have to go to the medical complex on Fernwood Road to our facility. We are conveniently located to everyone in the metropolitan area,” Riffle said.

Funds from the fashion show and luncheon as well as donations from Bloomingdale’s, barbie b and guests will support the capital campaign of MedStar NRH, which is currently raising $25 million to expand its brain injury and stroke rehabilitation units and update facilities by adding 60,000 square feet to the hospital. The new addition will feature private patient rooms, rehabilitation gyms and state-of-the-art technology research labs.

“I am excited that we will also have stroke survivors among our guests,” Reges said. “As a nurse, I was there when they arrived at NRH with sudden paralysis and no or limited ability to communicate. After months of rehabilitation, excellent care and the love of their families, they are able to talk, walk and drive. Even though they still have difficulties with some daily functions, they are making progress every week. They are amazing examples of courage, determination and attribute their success to our encouraging staff as well as to their families.

“This luncheon is about raising awareness of stroke and brain injuries and what one should do if their face droops, if they cannot raise their arm or speak clearly. Immediately call 911 because these are the primary symptoms of a stroke. FAST is the acronym to remember: It stands for: Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech Difficulty, Time to call 911.”

Reges said that the luncheon and fashion show will accommodate 175 people. “We are pleased with the turn-out and support. Tickets are selling quickly.” Register on-line at for the event at www.MedStarNRH.org/fashionshow. Individual tickets are $75 and VIP Tables with champagne are available for purchase. For more information about MedStar NRH, see its website at www.MedStarNRH.org.

This story has been updated.