Celebrating Potomac Community Village

The nonprofit Potomac Community Village celebrated its birthday at a party on Thursday, May 21, with U.S. Rep. John Delaney as featured speaker. The organization also honored its 2015 business and community supporters.

Potomac Community Village, a volunteer nonprofit group, provides social, educational and wellness activities, enabling members to be contributing members of the community. It links members with neighbors who assist with transportation, computer assistance, simple home repairs and other services. Potomac Community Village is part of a nationwide movement of more than 400 Villages, with more than 40 in the Washington, D.C. area.

Potomac Community Village welcomes volunteers of all ages to assist members, provides free volunteer training and vets all volunteers as part of the process.

It’s part of Potomac Community Village’s mission to enable older Potomac residents to remain in their homes as they age, by getting a bit of help from volunteers.

See www.PotomacCommunityVillage.org.