Celebrating the Potomac Community

A day filled with food, rides and music.

See more Potomac Day photos on Facebook.

“The Star-Spangled Banner,” sung by Potomac’s own opera singer, Chrissellene Petropoulous, opened the 2015 Potomac Day activities.

The parade stretched longer than ever before and the business booths were sold out long before Oct. 24. The weather was perfect, children enjoyed more rides than ever before — and Potomac Day was a day to celebrate the Potomac community as well as the four 2015 honorees: Citizen of the Year, Dr. Susan Rich; Business Person of the Year, Steve Ornstein, owner of EDGE Floral Event Designers; Youth of the Year, Alexander Brown from Bullis; and the Outstanding Achievement Award to Elie Pisarra-Cain. The parade’s Grand Marshal was Austin Kiplinger.

Food from a wealth of vendors filled the bellies, while music from the live band Retrospect and the Exclusively Entertainment DJ got the feet moving and the crowd feeling lively. Children petted and played with the animals from Squeals on Wheels and whooped and hollered as they slid down the Inflatables, crawled up the high climbing wall and ran from ride to ride. The Classic Cars drew attention from many admirerers and community members mingled and conversed while enjoying the greetings by Potomac business owners.