Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Geneva Day School recently held a 50th birthday celebration in conjunction with its annual Welcome Back Social, which is traditionally held on the first Friday of September after Labor Day. More than 400 guests, comprised of current families and staff, and many alumni, including Kayleigh Hepburn whose band Neon Rain provided entertainment. Several guests from local, county and state government offices also attended Geneva Day School’s golden anniversary event.
In September 1965, the school opened as Geneva Nursery School with just two classes of three- and four-year-olds. Renamed Geneva Day School in 1991, the school currently has 17 classes for more than 250 children ages two through Kindergarten, and offers lunch, extended care, a variety of enrichment classes, as well as summer camp. Geneva Day School is licensed by the Maryland State Department of Education with an age-appropriate and diverse curriculum. Geneva Day School is also a certified Maryland Green School.
Geneva Day School is located at 11931 Seven Locks Road. For more information, contact the school at 301-340-7704.