Potomac: ‘I Love my Library Because …’

To mark Library Lover’s Month, Montgomery County patrons were asked to complete a sentence that starts “I love my library because …” The postcards were then sent to county officials.

To increase participation, the Potomac Friends of the Library offered a drawing. The winner would be able to fill a Friends of the Library book bag at one of the monthly book sales. Because more than 300 postcards were completed, the Friends held two drawings: one for children and one for adults. The adult winners, Byron and Naomi Bloch, were able to come to the April book sale before it officially opened and filled their bag with an assortment of books that included fiction and non-fiction, a coffee table type book on Chicago, and several books for their 3-year-old grandson.

The drawings were random. According to library officials, it would have been difficult to have selected winners based on the comments on the post cards. A sampling of the comments:

  • Nice books, good environment, a lot of activities — kids love this place

  • Great books, great personnel, great used book sales

  • Library and its books are the backbone of democracy

  • It is someplace my daughter and I enjoy coming to together.

  • The personnel is always graciously helpful, pleasant and courteous. Because the building is sunny and well laid out. Parking is easy, the atmosphere is friendly and cheerful.

  • When my Verizon internet went out for a couple of days, the library was a life line.

  • The fishes

  • My library has every book I could ever dream of. (Child included a drawing of a child sleeping and of a child at the library)

  • It helps you become a great person. Also it takes you places no plane, car or train can take you.

  • I love books and playing in the toy room with the scary fish. (age 3)

  • The library has all my favorite books, the people are very kind, it’s nice and cozy, and the library has toys. (age 8)

  • I read my first book here.

    1. free books 2. friendly 3. place for the whole family
  • I read many books. I could not afford to buy them all.

  • It offers interesting programs such as Great Decisions for Foreign Policy discussions.

  • It is: A place for reading. A place for meetings. A place to learn much and teach others.

  • I love audiobooks but they are so expensive to purchase. I especially love the Teaching Co. college lecturers on audio. I visit the library at least twice a week & the staff are really great!

  • It is a place where young and old and in-between can cross paths. It makes a community come together. Yay libraries!

  • When my son, daughter-in-law & 2 children visit for 6 weeks in the summer from China they appreciate the Chinese section of the Potomac library.

  • I love seeing children browsing the shelves, playing with the puppets & seeing adults who read!

  • Love that it is local so that I don’t have to go to big cold impersonal Rockville with no parking.