Potomac: Enjoy Summer Sunflower Spectacular

The radiant, golden sunflowers, which the Maryland Department of Natural Resources plants in several large fields of the McKee-Beshers wildlife management area, along River Road, are currently in, or coming into, full bloom. The fields are a perennial favorite of photographers and families (everyone seem to wants a picture of their family with the flowers). The sunflower fields are also popular with birders, who enjoy seeing the bright-yellow Goldfinches and stunningly-blue Indigo Buntings perched on the sunflowers eating the seeds.

While there are a number of fields within McKee-Beshers that are planted with the sunflowers, the easiest to access is probably the "big field," just off of River Road. (Look for the metal historical marker and the fairly large parking lot alongside River Road, park and walk past the gate into the field). There is another field at the intersection of River and Sycamore Landing roads, which is accessible either from River Road or from Sycamore Landing Road and which is in more advanced bloom.

There are also other sunflower fields accessible from Hunting-Quarter Road (which is rough and sometimes nearly impassable in a passenger car) or by foot from the parking lot at Hughes Hollow. But the "big field" right along River Road is the easiest to get to.

If you go, be sure to take your camera; insect repellent is also recommended as there are sometimes mosquitoes and/or ticks and chiggers. The sunflower fields are truly a summertime visual spectacular, and should be in full bloom for the next week, 10 days, or a bit longer.